King6mVERuo8jJE posted an update 12 years, 5 months ago
When I was a young man I remember my father giving me a framed baseball uniform. This uniform was not a worth thousands of dollars or even hundreds for that matter. I was the first and last little league uniform I wore. The truth of the matter is that baseball was never my game. It is funny but even though I was not at all good at baseball I really enjoyed the experience. I was grateful that my father had the in site to realize that the memory was worth maintaining. After that season I also learned that no matter how trivial our memories are even the ones that seem the most insignificant can be some of the most important. When I was older I did find a sport that I was good at. I was adept at martial arts. One of the things I most regret from my youth is that I did not have the foresight of my father. I did not preserve the belts uniforms and awards that I received. I still have a few of those items packed away hidden in dark hidden recesses of my home collecting dust and slowly dwindling to nothing. Those memories lost to the migration of time. I completely understand framing a jersey or uniform based on it’s monetary value. After all if you own any valuable item you should work to preserve it and protect it from the elements. What many people don’t understand is that sometimes the most valuable items we possess are not worth even one dollar to another person. These are the items we really need to learn to protect. One might think to frame that championship jersey their child wore but what about the uniform jersey that a child wore during their first t-ball game. You know that one where there really isn’t a winning team. Just a group of children making memories that will live with them for a lifetime. It are these memories that we as parents need to learn to preserve. This year my son is going to be start playing sports. I know he wants to play hockey but regardless of what sports my son or daughter play you can certainly bet I will try to have the foresight of my father. I plan to have every uniform every item preserved and framed for my children. As they get older I hope that they learn the value of their memories and strive to maintain those memories in any way possible. I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to eventually have the opportunity to frame and award or championship jersey. It is also important that I keep those little moments that make us who we are. That great loss or that incredible come back that meant absolutely nothing to the season but defines us. I even hope to eventually frame a dress that my daughter wears at her first dance recital. If not for them for my hopes clearance louis, dreams 2012 blue chanel handbag, and aspirations of them.Articles Link:
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