pluqbqrty posted an update 12 years, 8 months ago
“Pennsylvania!“ he scoffed.She was a nice little girl, simple and true, and tremendous- ly frightened of sex.I kissed my baby and we put out the ights.“Hey Jane!“ he yelled gleefully.“Well,“ he said, “we can’t do that now.Think how it was a hundred–what the hell, only eighty, sixty years ago; they had opera!“ here.She’s got blue eyes.I could see he had eyes for Terry.We picked up two girls, a pretty young blonde and a fat brunette.Nothing had been ac- complished.“ That was the way we greeted each other after four years; Jane used to live with my wife and me in New York.“ He said this all the time.Meanwhile I’ll go right on living at Camille’s like nothin, see, she won’t know.And in fact while we were arguing with the cops one of them went out to peek at my aunt, who sat wrapped in the back of the car.“Whoo,beats by dr dre! I’ve told you time and time again, Sal, that we’re buddies, and we’re in this thing together.Then it was a fast walk along a silvery, dusty road beneath inky trees of California–a road like in iThe Mark of Zorroi and a road like all the roads you see in Western B movies.Then he went over and bet on Ebony Corsair.Then we went to the soda fountain. “Cheyenne, here I come!“ I sang.And then we’ll all go off to sweet life, ’cause now is the time and we all know time!“ He rubbed his jaw furiously, he swung the car and passed three trucks, he roared into downtown Testament, looking in every direction and seeing everyth ing in an arc of 180 degrees around his eyeballs without moving his head.They were curious.I was a man of the earth,just beats by dre, precisely as I had dreamed I would be, in Pa- terson.I always rush up and take off ninety miles an hour for the nearest whorehouse, hor-hor-hor!“ This was his “laugh“ laugh–when he wasn’t really laughing.Nobody was paying any attention to me up there.He used the word “pure“ a great deal.I once ate a horrible lunchcart hamburg on tea and it seemed like the most delicious thing in the world.That’s the way to do things.““Listen,beat dr dre, Terry,dre beats studios, I am not a pimp.It made me sick.Now I had fou r bucks.We coughed and sneezed.I saw a brunette on the bed, one beautiful creamy thigh covered with black lace,beats by dr dre price, look up with mild wonder.
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